Learning/Unlearning with Child

Learning/unlearning with child An interesting conversation that happened between Aarav, Urvi and myself. It made me learn, rather unlearn. The process of exploration is wonderful. I owe this knowledge to ISP (Infant Siddha Program- The art of Parenting) and my current pursuit of school psychology ❤ We envision to implement similar processes of exploration as a part of our learning maxim (Purposefully, I am not calling it as teaching maxim).. So, the incidence of exploration goes like this... One day, when I shared with Urvi and Aarav that we used to buy xxxx brand biscuit packet at Rs. 2 when I was of your age, now the same packet comes for Rs 10 or even more. Urvi's curiosity made her immediately ask- Prices keep on increasing like that? I said, yes..She again asked- but why do prices keep on increasing? I said they may decrease also. She again asked- why do they increase or decrease anyway? I was thrilled with this curiosity, which I did not have at that age. Instead...